martes, 7 de septiembre de 2010

The Discovery of a Royal Maya Tomb at EI Zotz / El Descubrimiento de la Tumba Real Maya en EI Zotz

The Discovery of a Royal Maya Tomb at EI Zotz, Cuatemala is the first US public presentation of a major discovery by UT LLiLAS graduate student Edwin Roman, co-director of Proyecto EI Zotz. 

Roman will speak about his experience excavating the tomb this summer and share a number of unpublished artifacts from this extraordinary archaeologica l find. Among the objects recovered are finely painted ceram ics, jade and obsidian as well as organic materials that are rarely preserved. The Early Classic tomb is considered to be one of the greatest Maya discoveries in recent history .
Wednesday, September 15, 6:00 pm
ART 1.110

The Mesoamerica Center 
The University ofTexas, Austin


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