domingo, 6 de febrero de 2011

Palenque as Never Seen Before (using CGI technology) / Palenque visto como nunca antes (usando tecnología CGI)

If Tatiana Proskouriakoff  had the computer technology advances  that we have today (26 years after her death in 1985), she will transform her conceptual drawings with the help of CGI (computer generated imagery) what we know today as 3D computer animation. Her paintings and reconstructions of Mayan architecture would cover life and get the people mesmerized about how the Mayan culture lived at that time, of course all this inspiration and clues where result of the Frederick Catherwood´s legacy, precise clue to the Mayan research till actual days, and pioneer of his artistic work through explorations in Maya lands with Lloyd Stephens in 1839, he left wonderful detailed drawings of how the Mayan ruins where found almost 2 centuries ago.

This is an example of a watercolour that Tatiana did of the ball court at Copán Honduras

A reconstruction of the acropolis at Piedras Negras. Pencil and watercolor drawing in 1939. 

This are 2 books of her work where we can see the detail drawings she did about Mayan architecture

Today CGI is a ver common way to express things used in fiction and in real life projects as graphic design, architecture, archaeology, documentaries, between others. M. Möler do a work in a magazine where we can enjoy the wonderful Maya world through the help of technology.

Here some examples that we will see in the magazine:
The XIX Temple seen from the “Templo de la Cruz”, a scene that today blocks the jungle

Palenque on its days of splendor.

 "Grupo de las Cruces” from the XIX Temple.

The is a view of the northern wall of the “Templo de la Cruz”,
the cret of the temple and the facade of the XVI temple.  
Absorbed by the jungle today.

In the spanish version, the magazine is divided in two parts, this month of february the part I is on sell
(As soon as the part II is out we will publish it of course for all spanish speakers)

This is the english/spanish version

Palenque as Never Seen Before tells how the Mayan city of Palenque was discovered in Chiapas, Mexico, and looks at the treasures hidden in its jungle and its history and magnificence. It took three years of devoted work with some of the most prestigious international archaeologists, engineers, artists, and architects specializing in virtual reality, to create the computer-based 3-D reconstruction of the Mayan city used in this book. It is the first-ever photographic quality reconstruction of the Mayan site of Palenque with the most spectacular perspective of how alive the Mayan city was in its splendor more than one thousand years ago. What the reader will witness in this book cannot be found anywhere else. Palenque as Never Seen Before is written in both English and Spanish and contains 216 full-color pages.

Hope you have the chance to take a look at this Palenque CGI interpretation of the work that Tatiana and so many more mayanists left and still working for a better understanding of the Mayan World.

The Mayanist.

2 comentarios:

  1. quisiera saber como conseguir esta edicion de palenque

  2. Dudo que esta revista este en venta, ya que salió hace 2 años, sería cuestión de buscarla con revendedores de revistas.
